Thursday, February 10, 2011


Posting an oldie today. Better than missing a days post!
Instead of a photo a day, it may end up being atleast a post for every day.


my girl, cheering at half time of the varsity girls bball game..



silly Lucas, that bikes to small...


Josh and Jolene (my brother and his baby).


Week #5/52.
My muses.


Someone dumped rice all over the floor. Poor Laur!


a picture of a picture today.

I'm so far behind and I don't think I took a picture every day to make up for the days i missed. 
But, I don't want to give up either. so you may just get random photos to make up those days. It's my blog, I can cheat a little if necessary, right? ;-)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Look who lost his first tooth? 
We were beginning to wonder if his baby teeth were staying in forever. Kilynn lost her first one when she was 5. 
Lucas had two fillings done at the dentist the day before. This tooth was loose before then, so it may not be connected. But the next day, it was SUPER DUPER loose. 
Luke pulled it out after a bunch of wiggling, and here it is! He was stoked.


 This is Lainey. She's the daughter of my brother and sis-in-laws good friends. 
She's adorable. Love those eyes.
It was a bit chilly, but we tried for some pictures anyway. We also did a couple BFF poses. Or we tried, anyway. Two 9 month olds, mostly want to rip eachothers noses off, and poke their fingers in eachothers mouths. ;-)


Funny. cuddly. loves to dance. full of laughter. sassy. smart. reader. kind. cares about others. likes karate and basketball. still loves her stuffed bear. loves her little brother unconditionally. silly. genuine. sweet. attitude at times. gets frustrated easily. sensitive. makes my heart happy. 

Today I get to post a couple of my daughter. Kilynn. 
She's almost 9, going on 15. She's growing up so fast! too fast!

Kilynn is an awesome daughter, a good friend, and a wonderful big sister. 
She truly amazes me.  


You may as well get use to seeing pictures of Jolene. She's one of my only willing participants lately.
She can't run away from me yet. 
you'll likely see her, or Luke alot in my post. Lucas is still home with me two days a week. Kilynns at school everyday, so we don't get much photo time. Though a little more now that it's staying lighter later. 
I added one of Lucas and Jo for fun.


This is Levi. He's my friends son.
He was fairly happy and content, and just recently realized he had nostrils that fingers fit into. But then, he had to get his eye checked by the dr. (he's jabbed his own finger into it earlier, and it kept watering and obviously bothering him).  After some dye in his eye, and the Dr. checking it out with  a black light, he did have a scratch on his cornea. Some antibiotic cream and his whole head bandaged to keep his eye patch on, and he was no longer happy and content. ;-). but I'm happy to report his eye is better, and he's happy again.


We've been so busy. I'm wondering if I'll truly be able to keep up this this 365 project. hoping I can. 
I keep getting more and more behind on posting. 
This photo is Luke and our doggies Nana and Sadie.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011


I'm cheating today. I didn't actually take this picture today, it's from tuesday. But it's my submission for 52 weeks projoect, so i'm using it.
theme was Shades of Gray


cell phone picture.


Kilynn gets credit for this picture. She took it while we were out and about, and I LOVE it!


I'd been wanting to take my niece to this field, with her little crocheted hat. So tuesday after picking kilynn up from school, we headed to the field. because- guess what?- it wasn't raining.
this picture makes me laugh because Jolene looks like she's smirking as she rips Kilynns ear off.
ah, cousins!

Oh, i was just informed, she was putting her finger IN kilynns ear, tickling it!


We made tamales on Monday!
We froze what we didn't eat that night.
i've tried once or twice before, and each time, they were okay but the masa just wasn't right.
This time, it was better. we're getting there.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The kids and I had a fantastic day outside....We went to the park and played and rode bikes.
We had a picnic lunch, and the weather was in cooperation! loved the blue skies and sun!


Popcorn. stove-top popped popcorn!
thanks to my sister-in-law, it's my newest snack addiction.


my little buddy Levi.
he's a funny little squirt.


my christmas gift from Kilynn.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i'm trying to post yesterdays photo...blogger isn't letting me. will try tomorrow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I'm terribly addicted to this game. It's embarrassing really.
I'd play most nights, but you typically need atleast 3 to play.
It's the Settlers of Catan. My sister and brother-in-law also got me an extension of it, the Seafarers.
I also play on Xbox Live. I know, I know!
Lucas has actually learned to play the basic game as well. He loves it too!
Tonight my brother and sis-in-law came over, and we played a couple sessions
and made a pretty yummy dinner with our combined ingredients. Can't beat that!


forgot to post jan 7th.

this is Nana, our puppy.
She's a good dog, besides digging MAJOR holes in the back yard.
My mom may be adopting Nana soon. she has lots of time for her compared to us.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I decided to try wearing my "reading" glasses while on the computer. My eyesight is great, but last time I was at the eye dr. I mentioned that I do alot of computer work, and get headaches at times. So, here's where the glasses come in. But I never remember to wear them. I don't think this is the reason for the very painful headaches I've been getting, but at the point i'm willing to try and see if it help at all.

The kids and I went and saw Tangled tonight, it was super cute! I'd say one of the cutest animated movies I've seen in awhile.


 Lucas and I went grocery shopping Thursday. He convinced me to buy this (this being one of the reasons I usually grocery shop alone, lol.) It was a no-bake Reeses peanut butter bar type thing. I made it, they loved it.. Just looking at it gave me a cavity and stomach ache. ;-) I finally did taste a dime size bite, and yep, super rich. A giant peanut butter cup really.

* this is also my submission for MCP's 52 week project.


Day 5.

My husband, Ryan.
We've been married 10.5 years, together for more.
He's a great daddy, and he works hard for his family.
We probaly don't tell him often enough how much we love him, and appreciate him!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My son. 
funny. loving. crazy. sneaky. smart. good with numbers. cuddly. growing up to fast. contagious smile. awesome brother. thoughful. trouble-maker. monkey-boy. bike rider. daddys boy. My boy. Adventurous. Clever. Quick-witted. Smartass. Active. Creative. Compassionate. huggable.



Day 3.

Todays submission is quick snapshot of my niece playing in the walker. She's pretty awesome.

Its great having a niece that I get to see a couple times a week! I watch her once a week most weeks.
I get to be an involved Auntie, and I love it!

We're buddies.
And her cousins love her, and she feels the same. We can tell. ;-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Our Holiday break is over...and we've done alot of nothing. Which has been wonderful.
We're use to running around here and there, and everywhere.

I've done alot of this. Alot of nothing. Alot of being lazy.


I decided to try this 365 project. A photo a day, for a year.
I won't promise I'll post DAILY, but my goal will be to take a photo a day, and post them as able.

So, of course, we'll start with my kids, on New years!


Hello 2011!!
Hoping this will be our year!